The Minimalists dive deep into the anxiety that often accompanies the holiday shopping season.

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Discussed in This Episode

  • How can I stop people from buying unnecessary Christmas gifts that clutter our home?
  • What fills your holiday season with anxiety and what do you do to minimize holiday clutter?
  • Listener tip: A helpful script for opting out of gift-giving during the holiday season.
  • Gift-Wrapping Break: Malabama’s favorite Christmas song.
  • What is the best gift to buy for a minimalist?
  • When does holiday participation morph into holiday consumerism?
  • Why are we afraid of facing the internal clutter that is hiding beneath the physical clutter?
  • How do we enjoy this heavily commodified holiday without contributing to landfills?
  • What are the benefits of being willing to walk away from anything?
  • More About Less: Consumption Season.
  • What is T.K.’s favorite Christmas song?

Minimal Maxims

Joshua, Ryan, and T.K.’s pithy, shareable, less-than-140-character responses. Find more quotes from The Minimalists at

  • If it gets in the way of the holidays, it’s holiday clutter.
  • Clarity, boundaries, and grace clear the way for a clutter-free holiday.  
  • We went from celebrating Christmas to surviving the holidays the moment the holiday season became the holiday shopping season.
  • Gift-giving is a love language the same way Pig Latin is a Romance language.
  • Forced participation is the gateway to resentment.
  • Our material possessions are a physical manifestation of our internal lives.
  • Opting out of consumerism is the best way to opt-in to celebration.

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